Disappointment and Hope

Disappointment and Hope

“And the day cameWhen the risk to remainClosed tightly in a budBecame more painfulThan the risk it tookTo Blossom.”–Anais Nin There are 2 distinct pathways that lead to disappointment. The first is when we have unreasonable expectations of others—forgetting (or...
Forgiveness and Accountability

Forgiveness and Accountability

Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on. –Alice Miller Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves, perhaps because when we break our attachment to unforgiveness, we feel freer. When we struggle to forgive, we may have a skewed perception about...
Resource Memories

Resource Memories

… you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”  –Dr. Seuss We’ve all experienced being captured by a memory so intensely that it moves us emotionally—we tear up or we smile and laugh. The power of the remembered to inhabit the...
In Case of Emotional Emergency

In Case of Emotional Emergency

An emotional emergency is a sudden surge of intense emotional energy (adrenaline and cortisol) that produces threat signals throughout the body. Emotional emergencies occur in the absence of tangible threat–tangible threat being anything in our outside...


Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others. –Brene Brown What are boundaries anyway? A boundary is an invisible limit, set intentionally, that keeps us emotionally safe when interacting with...
Emotional Fitness

Emotional Fitness

These days most of us feel challenged by the pressures stemming from the pandemic. The concept of Emotional Fitness comes out professional development, describing leaders that are emotionally responsive and nimble. Emotional Fitness is a proactive approach to mental...