by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Mar 7, 2021 | Newsletter
“There are only 3 kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and *God’s.” –Byron Katie Bestselling author and healer Byron Katie asks: “whose business are you in?” Adults with trauma-based codependency struggle with the business of others. We believe we are...
by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Feb 12, 2021 | Newsletter
Creating change in our lives rests upon the ability to internalize new information and apply it to “self and situation”. This is how humans adapt and grow. We let go of self-limiting stories and old behaviors based on those stories. New behaviors like asserting our...
by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Jan 25, 2021 | Newsletter
Healing from childhood emotional abandonment, neglect, and abuse is mostly an “inside job”. Loved ones may notice aspects of our behavior are different as we heal, or that we seem happier or less worried and preoccupied. Yet, the actual process of therapeutic change...
by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Jan 5, 2021 | Newsletter
Humans make meaning. This meaning-making enterprise — our human inheritance– makes sense of the world we are experiencing. As children develop, and are able to impact their environment in intentional ways, their meaning-making is designed to keep pace with...
by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Dec 5, 2020 | Newsletter
Emotional Accountability is a critical skill to nurture when healing from the CUTS (Chronic Unpredictable Toxic Stress) in our lives. We learn emotional accountability as children, typically from models who were not emotionally adept. It is highly likely that our...
by Martha White, LMHC-NCC | Nov 11, 2020 | Newsletter
“In the Garden of the Mind … Be with what is there; Decrease the Negative; Increase the Positive. Witness. Pull Weeds. Plant Flowers. Let Be. Let Go. Let In. Recognizing. Releasing. Resourcing.” Dr. Rick Hanson During times of deep uncertainty, environmental and...