Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

Perfection is the solution of a young mind trying to grow itself up in an atmosphere of judgement, contempt, hostility, and hatred. This perfection-as-solution–born in the absence of nurturing guidance—is a response to parental shaming. “Shame is an experience...
Receptivity vs Overwhelm

Receptivity vs Overwhelm

“By Surrendering, you create an energy field of receptivity for the solution to appear” ~ Wayne Dyer ~ One of the challenges in the time of the virus is to keep emotionally steady. Most of us are experiencing some panic and overwhelm, states of internal agitation that...
The Alchemy of Grief

The Alchemy of Grief

I saw grief drinking a cup of sorrow and called out:“It tastes sweet. Doesn’t it?”“You have caught me,” grief answered“And you’ve ruined my business.How can I sell sorrow when you know it’s a blessing?”~ Rumi ~ These days it is ever present as the losses multiply. The...
Letting Go

Letting Go

Letting go of that which no longer serves is a lifelong process: like our reptilian ancestors we shed the skin that doesn’t fit. Letting go often happens without our consent: people leave town, children grow up and move away, jobs disappear—if we’re healthy enough we...
The Witness

The Witness

Most of us have an internal running dialog that is unkind and unhelpful. This internal dialog creates patterns of rigidity, shame, or chaos that prevent honest emotional engagement with ourselves. Our internal dialog is usually future focused, orbiting around fear...
Having New Eyes

Having New Eyes

“The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” –Proust—Remembrance of Things Past* In the time of the virus, our usual mode of life –busy, stressed, productive—is not a reasonable option. We cannot push the virus...