Below are a few simple ways to reduce anxiety. When we focus on what we can control, we will feel less anxious!
Gratitude is one sure way of reducing anxiety—the anxiety we feel when we look ahead and see so many unknowns. Gratitude grounds us in the present instead of the future. Tune into the many ways our senses perceive what is around us. Paying attention to the here and now, the sounds and the smells, the visions of color or shape in front of your eyes, and how your body feels right now, will increase feelings of safety.
Movement is the other sure fire way of reducing anxiety. Often this kind of crisis situation brings out a kind of frozen agitation. Move to shake that loose. If it’s raining or you can’t go out, turn on some music and dance! Wildly!
This is a great time to engage in reflection and re-evaluation. Thinking deeply about what you want to grow in the garden of your life; What is important to you? What are your values? What brings you joy?
There are millions of free online guided meditations. Now is the perfect time to begin a listening practice. The first link below, by the creator of the Gupta program for Neural Retraining, will help.
- Ashok Gupta: The Immunity Challenge
- The Resiliency Project (free)
- Kristen Neff: Self Compassion
- Center for Mind Body Medicine